
25. Tell me about something that made you laugh this week. 这周有没有发生什么让你开心的事儿。 人人都爱笑!讨论点儿有趣的事能让大家开怀一笑。 26. If you had a million dollars...

A) Even economists can't reach a consensus about its impact. B) Those who are opposed to it turn out to benefit most from it. C) People are making too big a fuss about something of small impact. D) There is no essential difference between seemingly...

10. take the bull by the horns j. Not forgetful; remembering everything 11. work like a dog k. tell someone in authority about something wrong that person has done 12. be c...

10、ALWAYS BELIEVE THAT SOMETHING WONDERFUL IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN: 这句经典的口号就不用我多说了吧。“永远相信,美好的事情即将发生。”小米的用户,随手打开浏览器,都可以看到这句熟...

I had indeed visited the handwork “factory” where the embroiderers are all male, which is the tradition in India. Although I promised not to reveal anything about the new...

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